

A 55 year old patient of labour in occupation and resident of suryapet came to hospital with compliants of difficulty in speech and right hemiparesis. CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Difficulty of speech since 6 hours  Weakness in righ upper and lower limbs since 8 hrs Deviation of angle of mouth since 8 hrs HOPI: Patient was asymptomatic 6 hrs ago before reaching the hospital then he developed difficulty in speech and weakness in right upper and lower limbs and devation of angle of mouth since 6 hours  NO H/O drooling of saliva, loss of consciousness and involuntary movements in the body NO H/O  Constipation Vomiting Burning micturation SOB Pain in the abdomen Loose stools PAST HISTORY: History of hydrocele sugery 6 months back  History of CVA 3 Years back in which his right upper limb is paralyzed forwhich he is received medication and was improved. H/O HTN Since 2 years for which he was on medication using Atorvas-tg 10mg  No  H/O  of TB, ASTHAMA , THYROID DISORDERS,Blood transfusions. PERSONAL H


A 65 year old patient of farmer in occupation and resident of miriyalaguda came to the hospital with complaints  of fever, generalized weakness since 15 days and pain during swallowing since 3 days from which he came to hospital HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back then developed fever, insidious in onset, gradually progressive, high grade, intermittent associated with chills and rigours associated with generalised body pains  C/o vomitings- 1 episode, bilious, food as content non blood stained, non projectile.  H/o burning micturition 15 days back  No dysuria, frequency, urgency, hesitancy  No history of epigastric pain NO H/O CONSTIPATION. PAST HISTORY:   There was a history of pedal edema 15days back along with decreased urine output for which he was treated in hospital and was treated with antibiotics (piptaz for 5 days) following which both are resolved. NO H/O TB ,ASTHAMA, EPILEPSY, THYROID DISORDERS,BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS,DM,HTN   PERSONAL HISTORY : Diet:  mixed Sl